Ending This Year's Chapter

December is one of my favorite months of the year. While often characterized by celebration and festivities, I love it because it’s a month of endings. It’s the month that brings our year to a whole, bringing it to a final moment of completion. And this completion, this rounding out, this ending - is the thing that provides the character and meaning to the 11 months that precede it. Finality, endings, closings - always connect us with a deeper awareness of the importance of time and its meaning. And in my estimation, there are few things that change our experience and direction of life more than learning to take our time, and by extension the incredible gift of our life, more seriously.

THIS WEEK: What did you put off in 2023? What are the things you know are good for you and those around you, but you’re struggling to take the leap to act? Consider how your life may change if you decide to focus on this area as your central goal in 2024.


All the best,

Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder


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