The PAR Method
Modern productivity has led us to believe a fundamental lie.
The lie: action equals progress.
Constant action can act as a placebo for productivity, giving us the illusion of progress. And oftentimes, this illusion of progress comes at the cost of the things that are most important to us—things like peace, connection, contribution, and fulfillment.
The PAR Method is three simple steps:
Get really good at focusing on less, and eliminating distractions. This will bring simplicity and order to your day.
Good preparation allows you to better engage each present moment. Presence will improve your work and your relationships.
Practice reflection daily. It will lead to greater wisdom, and transform your everyday experience.
P.A.R. is the backbone of the Monk Manual system.
Modern productivity thinking focuses solely on doing—on completing tasks and crushing goals—but no real effort is spent understanding why we are here, who we are becoming, and what matters most.
Without reflection, we may miss what is most important in our day-to-day lives.
The PAR Method builds reflection into your day, your week, and your month, so that you can learn to invest your time and unique gifts in your life’s most important work—that of becoming fully yourself and sharing your gifts with the world.
Realize the full potential of your life.
Live life full
Everyday, your life tasks present opportunities for both being and doing—of internal growth and external progress. If you are willing to engage this process of life with intention and presence, you will learn to transcend the flat life-of-grind to one that is full of peace, purpose, and productivity.