Monday Momentum

Balance is Dreaming and Building

Much of our life is a balance between dreaming and building. Some of us spend too much focus and attention on building, and forget about the necessary task of dreaming;...

Balance is Dreaming and Building

Much of our life is a balance between dreaming and building. Some of us spend too much focus and attention on building, and forget about the necessary task of dreaming;...

Finding Balance Through Boundaries

Balance becomes possible, in part, through boundaries. Saying no isn’t just about saying no; it’s about saying yes to what truly matters to you.  Consider where you feel stretched thin...

Finding Balance Through Boundaries

Balance becomes possible, in part, through boundaries. Saying no isn’t just about saying no; it’s about saying yes to what truly matters to you.  Consider where you feel stretched thin...

Balance is a Dance

Balance isn’t static; it’s a dance between competing priorities. And just as a tightrope walker adjusts with each step, finding balance in life requires constant adjustments. Observe where you’re currently...

Balance is a Dance

Balance isn’t static; it’s a dance between competing priorities. And just as a tightrope walker adjusts with each step, finding balance in life requires constant adjustments. Observe where you’re currently...

A Tip for Finding More Peace

Rarely will you meet a truly present person who is not also peaceful. Rarely will you meet a truly peaceful person who is not also present. The two are interconnected....

A Tip for Finding More Peace

Rarely will you meet a truly present person who is not also peaceful. Rarely will you meet a truly peaceful person who is not also present. The two are interconnected....

A Simple Way to Create Ease

The times my life feels most complicated, are usually the times I am least connected with myself. When I lose connection with my own inner voice - I find myself...

A Simple Way to Create Ease

The times my life feels most complicated, are usually the times I am least connected with myself. When I lose connection with my own inner voice - I find myself...

The Benefit of Doing Nothing

The benefit of doing nothing, is the realization that there is value in doing nothing. When we are used to constantly moving, we can forget that life, apart from any...

The Benefit of Doing Nothing

The benefit of doing nothing, is the realization that there is value in doing nothing. When we are used to constantly moving, we can forget that life, apart from any...

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