Gratitude is attractive. We are attracted to the gratitude of others, and we sense our own lives would be enriched by a more grateful frame of life. But at times, gratitude can feel elusive and difficult to grow in meaningful ways. One simple way to develop a more grateful approach to life is to focus on the areas of life where you have nullified gratitude through entitlement. When we approach life through an entitlement frame, we look at a particular relationship, job, activity, or communal issue, and focus on the good that isn’t rather than the good that is. As an effect, our experience of life disproportionately is colored by the negative rather than the positive. A positive frame doesn’t mean we don’t act on behalf of our own good and the good of others; it just means we get to enjoy the process of life a little bit more.
THIS WEEK: Consider an area of your life where you currently feel dissatisfied. How can you take constructive action in this area while also choosing to focus on the good?
All the best,
Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder
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