How present are you, actually

For a long portion of my life, I felt a bit like an actor. I was there, playing a part, but I wasn’t REALLY there. Sure I was there physically, but it wasn’t me. I was either in my head, or I had created another version of myself that I thought would be more acceptable, and that was the version that I went and presented to the world. As you go about your day, are you really there - engaging the work, people, and meaning in front of you - or are you somewhere else? Today marks the beginning of a new week and whether or not you change to engage it, it will come and it will pass. Every moment that passes is another moment that you will never experience again. In the face of this reality, we can either turn inward and withdraw, or we can take responsibility. Responsibility to engage the moment and make it all that it can be. 

THIS WEEK: What percentage of your life are you present to? When are the times when you find yourself truly present? When are the times when you become an actor and are just going through the motions? Pay attention to any patterns that emerge.


All the best,

Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder


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