With the Monk Manual we learn to apply the PAR (Prepare, Act, Reflect) method to our months, weeks, and days. But it can also be applied to any given activity or engagement.
THIS WEEK: Try testing out the PAR method with three separate activities. The activity could be an engagement with another person, a meeting, or a block of work that needs to be completed. Take 2 minutes beforehand to consider how you want to be present during this activity as well as what it would look like for you to be at your best (prepare). Carry this intention with you and live into the activity (act). On the backend, take 2 minutes to consider how it went and notice what insights arise for you to incorporate next time you do this particular activity (reflect). By practicing the PAR method in our day-to-day, we discover that all the material of life can be a means to being and becoming.
All the best,
Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder
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