For many of us as children, the holiday and Christmas season is marked by a particular spirit of wonder, joy, and connection.
But all to often, at some point in our lives, this spirit gets replaced by one of hurried busyness. It's easy to accept this as a new normal, but what if we didn't? What if we consciously chose to rediscover a more childlike disposition and allow the spirit of the season to actually inspire us?
Whether or not you are present to this next week, it will come and go regardless. You have a choice of how you will engage it. That same wonder, joy, and connection you experienced as a child is still possible for you, not only this week, but every week of the year.
THIS WEEK: Consider how you can slow down this week to enjoy the blessings in your life. What lessons can you take from this week to inspire your life moving forward?
All the best,
Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder
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