“Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one.” - Martin Heidegger. We hold the potential for thousands of different versions of life, but we only get to live one. Herein lies one of the central reasons we struggle with simplicity. Simplicity means we have to say no. It means we have to allow certain potentials within us to die so that other potentials can live and flourish. If we don’t say no, we inevitably end up feeling constantly torn, spread thin, and navigating a complicated mess where we try to do everything, please everyone, and experience everything. To grow towards simplicity we need to learn to choose, to say no to the things that don’t truly matter, so we can give a fervent yes to the things that actually do.
THIS WEEK: When was the last time you made an important life decision? Do you shy away from making decisions on the direction of your life? How comfortable are you with saying no? Consider how growing in decisiveness, and acceptance of your finitude, may help you increase simplicity in your life.
All the best,
Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder
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