Today marks the anniversary of Sept 11 here in the United States. It also marks my 36 birthday. Ever since I was a freshman in high school, this day has been a mixed cocktail of emotions. I still remember crying while my family sang me Happy Birthday after coming home from school. For me, it’s a day set aside to celebrate potential and the gift of life, while simultaneously recognizing loss and the darker aspects of human nature. Often when I share my birthdate - people tell me that it must be tough. Tough is one way to describe it, but over time I’ve come to see this strange personal connection as its own gifting. I have an uncommon bridge to the nature of what it means to be human. Life is both joy and loss. It’s light and dark. It’s elation and suffering. It’s a mystery we are invited to participate in.
THIS WEEK: For many Sept 11 is an event that helps us connect with our own mortality. This is a gift, for awareness of our own mortality opens us up to appreciation for the life we have now. Consider this week who in your life you’ve taken for granted, and spend a moment reflecting on what they mean to you.
All the best,
Steve Lawson - Monk Manual Founder
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