Monday Momentum

Stay Present in the Chaos

For many people the next two weeks are the busiest of the year. As a result of all the frenetic activity, there is a temptation to depart the present moment...

Stay Present in the Chaos

For many people the next two weeks are the busiest of the year. As a result of all the frenetic activity, there is a temptation to depart the present moment...

On Getting Unstuck

The reason most of us stay stuck isn’t because we like staying stuck. It’s because we don’t know what’s holding us in place. Oftentimes, we imagine that the reason we...

On Getting Unstuck

The reason most of us stay stuck isn’t because we like staying stuck. It’s because we don’t know what’s holding us in place. Oftentimes, we imagine that the reason we...

Ending This Year's Chapter

December is one of my favorite months of the year. While often characterized by celebration and festivities, I love it because it’s a month of endings. It’s the month that...

Ending This Year's Chapter

December is one of my favorite months of the year. While often characterized by celebration and festivities, I love it because it’s a month of endings. It’s the month that...

Happiness vs Joy

Life gives us a lot to be joyful about. Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is often tied to the things going on in our lives and because...

Happiness vs Joy

Life gives us a lot to be joyful about. Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is often tied to the things going on in our lives and because...

The Practice of Silence

Silence is the midwife of transcendence. When we eliminate the frenetic noise from our lives, we see the things that have always been there, only they’ve been cluttered up and...

The Practice of Silence

Silence is the midwife of transcendence. When we eliminate the frenetic noise from our lives, we see the things that have always been there, only they’ve been cluttered up and...

In a constant state of falling

Monday Momentum - Walking is just the practice of intentionally falling forward. The mechanics work as follows. Our body weight shifts forward, we move our foot, fall ever so forward,...

In a constant state of falling

Monday Momentum - Walking is just the practice of intentionally falling forward. The mechanics work as follows. Our body weight shifts forward, we move our foot, fall ever so forward,...

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