Monday Momentum
Balancing Your Scale
The hard thing about balance is if we really want it, we have to make difficult decisions. If you imagine a balanced scale with one side of the scale outweighing...
Balancing Your Scale
The hard thing about balance is if we really want it, we have to make difficult decisions. If you imagine a balanced scale with one side of the scale outweighing...
What Is Your Purpose?
Productivity serves the purpose of life, but productivity is not the purpose of life. Goal setting serves the purpose of life, but goals are not the purpose of life. Good...
What Is Your Purpose?
Productivity serves the purpose of life, but productivity is not the purpose of life. Goal setting serves the purpose of life, but goals are not the purpose of life. Good...
We're Always Learning to Ride New Bikes
When you first learn to ride a bike, you fall down a lot. Then at a certain point things become easier. Eventually it even becomes enjoyable, possibly evolving into a...
We're Always Learning to Ride New Bikes
When you first learn to ride a bike, you fall down a lot. Then at a certain point things become easier. Eventually it even becomes enjoyable, possibly evolving into a...
The Balance of Dreaming
Much of our life is a balance between dreaming and building. Some of us spend too much focus and attention on building and forget about the necessary task of dreaming,...
The Balance of Dreaming
Much of our life is a balance between dreaming and building. Some of us spend too much focus and attention on building and forget about the necessary task of dreaming,...
Every Moment Is a Unique Gift
We are habituated to thinking of time in terms of years, months, days, and weeks. When we begin to think of time in terms of moments, we begin to see...
Every Moment Is a Unique Gift
We are habituated to thinking of time in terms of years, months, days, and weeks. When we begin to think of time in terms of moments, we begin to see...
How present are you, actually
For a long portion of my life, I felt a bit like an actor. I was there, playing a part, but I wasn’t REALLY there. Sure I was there physically,...
How present are you, actually
For a long portion of my life, I felt a bit like an actor. I was there, playing a part, but I wasn’t REALLY there. Sure I was there physically,...