Monday Momentum

Begin Anew

What changes when the clock strikes midnight and we welcome in a new year? Effectively nothing really. We are still the same people, living in the same world, with the...

Begin Anew

What changes when the clock strikes midnight and we welcome in a new year? Effectively nothing really. We are still the same people, living in the same world, with the...

How Do You Feel?

How do you feel about the coming year? Not how do you “think” about it, but how do you “feel” about it? As we end one year and begin another...

How Do You Feel?

How do you feel about the coming year? Not how do you “think” about it, but how do you “feel” about it? As we end one year and begin another...

Rediscover a Childlike Disposition

For many of us as children, the holiday and Christmas season is marked by a particular spirit of wonder, joy, and connection.  But all to often, at some point in...

Rediscover a Childlike Disposition

For many of us as children, the holiday and Christmas season is marked by a particular spirit of wonder, joy, and connection.  But all to often, at some point in...

This Year I'm Finally Going to...

New Years often come to us with some sense of "this year I'm finally going to x." It could be that this year is the year we finally quit a...

This Year I'm Finally Going to...

New Years often come to us with some sense of "this year I'm finally going to x." It could be that this year is the year we finally quit a...

Gain Your Greatest Insight Through Reflection

Relationships function like mirrors.  When we engage in relationship, perceiving how we impact another and how they impact us, we arrive at insights that otherwise would be inaccessible to us....

Gain Your Greatest Insight Through Reflection

Relationships function like mirrors.  When we engage in relationship, perceiving how we impact another and how they impact us, we arrive at insights that otherwise would be inaccessible to us....

A Time for Personal Honesty

One of the reasons I’m such a big fan of reflecting at the end of the day, is because it’s at the end of our day that we tend to...

A Time for Personal Honesty

One of the reasons I’m such a big fan of reflecting at the end of the day, is because it’s at the end of our day that we tend to...

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