Monday Momentum

Gain Your Greatest Insight Through Reflection

Relationships function like mirrors.  When we engage in relationship, perceiving how we impact another and how they impact us, we arrive at insights that otherwise would be inaccessible to us....

Gain Your Greatest Insight Through Reflection

Relationships function like mirrors.  When we engage in relationship, perceiving how we impact another and how they impact us, we arrive at insights that otherwise would be inaccessible to us....

A Time for Personal Honesty

One of the reasons I’m such a big fan of reflecting at the end of the day, is because it’s at the end of our day that we tend to...

A Time for Personal Honesty

One of the reasons I’m such a big fan of reflecting at the end of the day, is because it’s at the end of our day that we tend to...

Trusting the Process of Life

Do you believe there is a process to life? More specifically, do you you believe there is a process to your life? Or do you believe that you have to...

Trusting the Process of Life

Do you believe there is a process to life? More specifically, do you you believe there is a process to your life? Or do you believe that you have to...

Stepping Outside Our Own Walls

Imagine your daily limits as the walls of a garden. Within these walls, you’ve planted all of the things that are familiar and safe. But beyond these boundaries is uncharted...

Stepping Outside Our Own Walls

Imagine your daily limits as the walls of a garden. Within these walls, you’ve planted all of the things that are familiar and safe. But beyond these boundaries is uncharted...

Uncovering the Hidden Richness of Life

Life’s richness lies hidden beneath the surface of our everyday routines. The deeper we dig, the more we uncover. Whether it’s during your morning routine, daily commute, or in conversations...

Uncovering the Hidden Richness of Life

Life’s richness lies hidden beneath the surface of our everyday routines. The deeper we dig, the more we uncover. Whether it’s during your morning routine, daily commute, or in conversations...

Transcendence is Growth

This month our theme is transcendence. Sometimes we think of this word as exclusively being tied to some heightened spiritual state. But to transcend means to climb beyond or across....

Transcendence is Growth

This month our theme is transcendence. Sometimes we think of this word as exclusively being tied to some heightened spiritual state. But to transcend means to climb beyond or across....

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